In Life : Everyone Is A Traveller

In Life : Everyone Is A Traveller

.a. .c.o.l.d. .d.a.y.

Kanda Tuah enjoyed the weather~

22.36 hours
Feb 28th, 2011 
South East England.

hi peeps,

Another cold day in Canterbury. i was shivering on my way to the campus. it was icy cold with 5 degrees temperature and had been maintain till early evening. the current temperature is 3 degrees and luckily me now in my own warm room, with a small heater appliance next to my only window. well, it sounds weird but somehow i do enjoy today's weather. i love the cloudy atmosphere with calm wind blowing. it soothes me. for the whole day, there was no sun shining. they were only gray chunky clouds together with light rain fall. sounds freak aye, for someone to love such weather.

saint augustin abbey and king school ground

 i took this on my way home. kinda blur tho for i was in hurry.

 walking back home.



Kanda Tuah  has celebrated his first birthday in the UK~

22.15 hour
Feb 24th, 2011 
South East 

i has received so much ஜ♥ . thanks peeps! for making me feel great! aha!

oke, my first birthday in the UK.

the first person who wished me happy birthday via phone was my mum
via FB was my brother
via text, it was from a friend of mine
via FB's inbox, my junior wished it first
via birthday note, my princess send me one
via birthday card, a senior of mine gave one =)

for this year celebration, i had two birthday surprises, no, it was three if the one held in malaysia by my family is taken into account.haha!
 birthday cake from my housemates~

 this one is from my seniors and a fren on mine =)

 my first birthday gift! oho! you..thnks! =)

 i've bought this one as a present for myself as i've been aiming to buy this one for years!

 this one is from a senior of mine. thnks!! =)

 this one too. from a senior of mine =) thanks ya!

.h.a.i.r. .s.t.y.l.e.

Kanda Tuah has a new hair style~

01.47 hour 
Feb 21st, 2011 
South East England.

i had a chat with my little cousin while writing the previous post last night. she was adorable i have to say. haha. the way she talked with me made me smiling all the way long. oh ira. how i miss you and ur litte brother=)

and heaven ya! i've made my decision and the result is, me now having short hair; still quite long at the front.hoho! here we are. a new look of kanda tuah. kanda tuah moden perhaps! hehe~

.u.n.i .o.p.e.n. .d.a.y.~.

Kanda Tuah became a tour guide~

01.54 hour
Feb 20th, 2011 
South East England.

raining day. cold weather. red tees. visitors. tour guides. campus. wake up call.

it was a great experience i have to say, worth to participate in and i had a good day with my seniors.LOL. for the first time in my life, i had the opportunity of becoming a tour guide; guided the visitors and had tours around our campus during the uni's open day. yet somehow, i was initially in blur about being a tour guide. some thoughts seemed have blinded my consciousness of being one. frankly speaking i wasn't confident at my ability interacting with natives, giving them beneficial information of our uni for i was afraid i will speak english wrongly; i'm bad at english grammar you know.haha!~.

 still, later on  i found out that being a tour guide is an interesting task. i had an ample opportunities to improve on my speaking skill as i had been interacting with natives directly. plus, it was an easy task too ( it's because i did the tours with a senior of mine lol). i enjoyed it. that what i should say =)

erm, as i remember, there are no bad accidents happened. oh ya. there were a couple with their daughter asking me something with their thick accent. i couldn't understand them at all and for that they just left with smiles on their faces. sorry guys. i couldn't understand you. please talk slowly and most importantly, don't burbling! i'm not a native you know. sigh~

another funny accident happened! i was at the "hot lane" (where visitors often walking by) with my senior walking back to the tour guides assembly centre when a guy greeted us and asking us about 'information bit'. for the second time, i was in blur in figuring out the meaning of this 'information bit'. came out with spontaneous answer, i told him about reception desk and he answered that wasn't it. i was in great shame! =.=~ lol!

malaysian tour guides. =)

another different story. i just found out that my seniors are getting married, here in the UK. it's awesome right? only with their friends around, they are going to hold majlis akad nikah and 'kenduri' . at 22 years old, they are going to embark a wonderful journey for the rest of their life. it's the greatest wake up call for me seriously. i never been thinking about getting married or even the topic of marriage itself  before. it made me realised that i am now an adult, not a child ; tho i have a child mind =). haha. like seriously. now that they are getting married, i shud list marriage as another important aim in my mind.haha. oke i'm being naughty.

oke, bye!


Kanda Tuah is suffering blog fade~

00.19 hour 
Feb 17th, 2011
South East England.

dah lama x update blog. malas sebenarnya. nak kata busy, x de la busy sangat. nak kata bnyak keje. x de la bnyak.bnyak je masa terluang. tapi tu lah. penyakit manusia. penyakit malas. malas dlm segala hal. malas nak belajar, malas nak berusaha. ni kan pulak nak update blog. lagi la malas. time2 takde idea nak menulis, lagi la. berhabuk blog. mahu dekat seinci debu. fuh! fuh!  (ala ala tiup debu =))

sebenarnya, selalu je online. cuma malas nak update blog. sebab x de idea nak menulis. kalo ade pon, malas nak menaip and elaborate idea tuh. mmg dasar pemalas, nak wat camne un?. terima seadaanya. plus sindrom blogfade (the lack of enthusiasm one feels for one's blog, after a time)  dah mula menular. dah berapa kali dapat sindrom nih. lepas sembuh, dapat balik sindrom nih. mmg x de ubat la nak atasi penyakit blogfade nih.

papepon, berharap je la dapat semngat balik nak menulis. let the time heals it! =P

* btw, tngah aim nak body camnih. kena keje kuat nih! haha~ kena selalu prektis silat.ekeke!

tuah moden!  wee~


Kanda Tuah loves to jump!

19.58 hour
Feb 12th, 
2011 Canterbury, 
South East England.

i love to jump! like seriously~

tengok je lah, mls nak menulis.=)


Kanda Tuah and his best friend~

01.35 hour 
Feb 12th, 
2011 Canterbury, 
South East England.

i must be missing me best friend too much!


.K.a.n.d.a. .T.u.a.h.!.

Kanda Tuah is happy~

21.35 hour 
Feb 10th, 2011 
Canterbury, South East England.

done customising  my blog! phew. kinda happy with it. it's been days since i last thought of replacing the intro pic. kinda bored with it actually.hehe!

hope you like it! 
i'm presenting to you..
kanda tuah!! opss~ silap

Kanda Tuah! wee~ =)


 Kanda Tuah is in blur~
19.186 hour
Feb 10th, 2011
Canterbury, South East England.

i feel like i want to write something and get my blog updated. yet i have nothing concrete in my head to write on. there are so much things lingering in my mind making me confuse. so much things to take care of, so much problems to handle and less time to enjoy life. sigh~

btw, there is a song that keeps resounds in my ears. a new song by auburn; all about him. at least i have something to enjoy while trying hard solving all those problems right? i will work hard and will always smile! =)

.o.h. .M.a.l.a.y.s.i.a.~.

Sepuy Simbei says  "oh Malaysia~"
20.16 hour
Feb 8th, 2011
Canterbury, South East England.

oke. i miss Malaysia so damm much. i miss it's people, weather, foods and i have to say this, it's malls! frankly speaking, Canterbury have no single mall. what it offers are individual shops, boutiques and cafes. Yet in Canterbury, all those shops and boutiques are located at a street called The High Street; a famous spot for shopping! 

Unlike malls in Malaysia where they are made up of hundreds of shops, boutiques, cafes, fast food restaurants and also cinemas, Canterbury have none of these. It is just awesome to spend time at malls, hanging around without doing nothing. longing for those doings.arghh!! oke shy.stop!

Mid Valley Mega mall, Bangsar. Just a stone thrown from my previous campus, IPG KBA.ehe!

 The High Street, Canterbury.

mid valley would be the first mall that i will be visiting when i'm back home. like seriously, i miss that gigantic spacious mall. the GSC especially! Here in Canterbury, there is a cinema called Odeon. However, Odeon has less attraction ;it has no ice lemon tea served at the cafe like GSC does! =.=!. plus, the seats aren't comfortable compared to GSC seats for Odeon has spacious hall (larger than a football field; believe me!). 

don't mistaken it for a shop. it's a cinema! 

feel like going back home, watching a movie with an ice lemon tea next to me. oh!
i'm talking crap again.
oke papai!

sorry for my bad grammar =(
if you notice any mistake, just lemme noe. im open for it! =)

.i. .♥. .t.h.e.m.

Sepuy Simbei wanna smiles~
22.45 hour
Feb 7th, 2011
Canterbury, South East England.
i miss everyone and everything in malaysia; my mum, my dad, my family, my friends, my home, my hometown,everything..

ain't feeling sad. me going to smile.

"disaat kita berjauhan, rasa ingin ku berlari
mendakapi mu penuh girang, bak si kecil kehilangan"

i my mum

♥  love them too

 i'm going to make my stay in England worthy. For 3 year, i will keep missing them, till my heart bloomed with love. 

.p.a.s.i.r. .d.a.n. .b.a.t.u.

Sepuy Simbei is smiling for his friends!
23.11 hour
Canterbury, South East England.

life is astounding and always be getting wonderful when you have friends who understand you and always support you in all ways. friends will perk up your life i have to say; they will make you smile. Bak kata Malique ft Najwa, kalau saya senyum, awak mesti senyum sekali =)

i have a story for a best friend of mine who will be leaving Malaysia for New Zealand to pursue his study. I wish you all the best mate. I'm rewriting this story for you. haha!

Kisah Pasir dan Batu

Dua sahabat berjalan merentasi gurung pasir. Saat berjalanya waktu, mereka mula bertengkar dan yang satu menampar pipi kawannya.

Yang ditampar pipi, hatinya terluka. Tapi, tanpa sepatah kata dia  kemudian menulis di permukaan pasir.

"hari ini, sahabat baikku menampar wajahku"

Mereka menruskan perjalanan mereka sehingga meraka menemukan sebuah oasis, dimana mereka memutuskan untuk berhenti berehat dan mandi. Tetapi, sahabat yang ditampar wajahnya, tengelam dalam pasir jerlus dan shabatnya berjaya menyelamatkannya. Setelah pulih keadaanya, di mula menulis kalimat di permukaan batu: 

"hari ini, kawan baikku telah menyelamatkan nyawaku"

Sahabat yang menolongnya tadi kehairan melihat perilaku sahabatnya lalu bertanya:

"setelah aku menampar kamu, kamu menulis di pasir, dan sekarang kamu menulis di batu. kenapa begitu?"

sahabat yang ditanya menjawab:

"ketika seseorang menyakiti, kita harus menulisnya dia pasir, hingga angin mampu memaafkan kita dengan meniupnya hilang tidak berbekas"

"tapi saat seseorang melakukan kebaikkan untuk kita, kita harus mengukirnya di batu; supaya tidak ada satu angin pun yang mampu memadamkan ingatan indah itu"

belajarlah untuk menulis kesedihan mu dia pasir, dan mengukir pengalaman baikmu dia batu.

orang bijak berkata
"seseorang memerlukan seminit untuk bertemu seseorang yang istimewa, satu jam untuk menghargainya, satu hari untuk mampu menyukai dan menyayanginya. tapi memerlukan seumur hidup untuk mampu melupakannya"

till the, spend time for your life!

p/s* thanks for waiting dear! =P

.l.a.g.u.k.u. .l.a.g.u.m.u. .j.u.a.~.

Sepuy Simbei ~ testing! testing!

a) Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc on shuffle.
b) For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

1. If someone says,"Is this okay?"
Rimas~ Fabulous Cat..g main jauh-jauh! rimas~ haha!

2. How would you describe yourself?
Angela~ Super Junior (=.=!) wat the fishcakes?

3. What do you like in a guy/girl
Cinta Yang Sempurna~ 6ixth sense ft Neo Letto. auww,sweet sangat! haha!

4. What is your life's purpose?
Kerana Wanita ~ Ada Band. ape ke sengal nih.=.=!

5. What do your friends think of you?
Beautiful Enough~ OST Hana Kimi ..ngee..hahaha bodow la wei

6. What do you think about very often?
Jai Ho Remix~ The Pussycat Dolls...jawapan paling bodoh penah aq jawab..aiyaa!!

7. What do you think of your best friend?
Sempurna~ Andra & the Balckbone. hihi!

8. What do you think of the person you like?
Ruang Rindu~ Letto. weee! <3

9. What is your biggest fear?
Kembali Pulang~ Kangen Band. nak balik umah!!

10. What is your hobby/interest?
Nyanyikan Lagu mu~  Maya Karim.haha! Mabuk ke?

11. What will they play at your funeral?
Surah Yunus~ Alhamdulillah =p

12. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Reo Reo~ FT Island~  menda la aq jawab ney

13. What is your life?
Surah Al An'am~ =P

14. What is 2+2?
Vida Mia~Son by Four & Jacy Velasquez ...mehngong!!

lau soklan ney test betol sure fail!!

.w.i.n.d.y. .f.r.i.d.a.y.

Sepuy Simbei and his friday~

another chilly day. sigh~ the wind has been blowing wildly today, since morning. pagi pagi dah sejuk. angin asik bertiup je. bunyi lak cam spooky giler. hari ni, last day kuliah tuk minggu ni. kelas Graham. cam biasalah, dah nak dekat hujung minggu ni, malas giler. rasa cam nak ponteng je kelas. tapi apakan daya. saya datang sini guna dwet rakyat. so kena la blaja~ ^^!

it came to my surprised that today's lesson wasn't boring as i predicted. Graham is such a comedian and he made jokes whenever he could till the class ended. I can't help my self from keep laughing  for they were really funny. His face expressions especially.haha! Graham, such a funny lecturer.

during 20 minutes recess, (normally, graham would gave us longer than that, but john; our  program coordinator has emailed all the lecturers not to let recess to be more than 20 minutes) teha has shown me her newly bought camera and we ended up taking pictures of our classmates and me of course!

 outside of my class! segan ngn natives yg lalu lalang~ hoho!

 dgn si tehe, empunya camera. menyibuk je.ekeke~

 ha! ni dia. my classmates! oho ~

 dari kiri ~ iema, me and kalid

 again~ me and kalid

oh ya. few last weeks my group and i had prepared a video  entry for our assignment. i have uploaded it. the picture above is the wallpaper for our video.haha. kinda funny~

p/s* ~my best friend gave me satu teka teki. sape tahu, tolong jawabkan! haha~

~ two women with their two kids come to their uncle's house. The uncle would like to give each of them an orange. Unfortunately, he only has  3 oranges. possibly, how can he give  to them an orange each without doing anything. hm~ pening nak pikir.tulung~ tulung~


Sepuy Simbei is talking crap~!

 i can smell it! the spring is in the air~ !!

P/s* to my new followers, welcome dear! =p album, a million memories