Mr. Shy feels sad and angry~ 22.42 hours March 09th, 2012 Canterbury, South East England.
watch and justify. i'm not going to argue, just stating my view.
- A: Maybe anak dye ade hal or sumtg yg x dpt di elakkn mcm kemalangan etc. Who knows kan?sbb kalo dye nk tgl btol2 npe brani bg details sume.obviously org akn dpt cntct blk kn.sbb mula2 dye angkt je hp then jz x angkt bkn tros off hp.xtaw la.sian kt nenek xtw gk ape jd kt ank dye.huhu.tbe2 ter pk
5 hours ago via Mobile · ·1
Sepuy Simbei for me. sibuk mana pon anak, even sampai tahap terdesak, there is no way he/she can ingores or make his/her mum sad. After Allah, is our Rasul, then our mum, mum and mum. This nanny smpai nangis-nangis, that shows something. Tapi, like u said kan, who knows. Moga Allah bagi ketenangn n kegembiraan kat nanny ni :)
5 hours ago · ·1
- A: yep btol tu shy..x pk pon yg dye busy wf keje etc.kalo psl keje mmg xley trima..jz ter pk mybe dye accident or sumtg else *tgk drama byk sgt neh..heheh.. but seriously,when i watched dz video, tros teringat my late grandma. sobbss~
3 hours ago · ·1
Sepuy Simbei :). the fact that he/she sent his/her mother to the cheap hostel with his/her presence at the first place, suggests something. i just wondering, why on earth he/she thought of leaving his/her mother here? (and i assume nothing happened to him/her physically providing he/she afford to bring his/her mother to the hotel). My feeling strongly suggests that her son/daughter were trying to 'eliminate' her and that is terribbly sad!
i know cha. this reminds me of my nanny too. Luckyly she had all her children to love her all her life :)
be brave cha!
last2 tau spa A tu..hehehe~ btw, dah ada upate..her son act some sort of having "confusion in life"...
kita boleh ckp sibuk mana pon anak, even sampai tahap terdesak, there is no way he/she can ingores or make his/her mum sad. After Allah, is our Rasul, then our mum, mum and mum. tapi dalam keadaan kita berada di tahap emosi paling bawah, tak semua org kuat..let us pray that he will repent and take his mother back :)
well, like i said. i'm not going to argue. It depends to you on how you going to justify it :)
yeah, read it too. still hoping the best for the nan :)
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